Divorce Attorney in
St. Petersburg, Florida

Divorce can have a significant impact on both your children and assets.  If you are uncertain as to the toll a Florida Divorce may have on you and your family, a trusted and experienced divorce attorney and advocate can make all the difference.   Florida divorce attorney, Garth R. Goodman, Esq., has 30 years of experience in handling child custody, high-asset and/ or alimony cases.  If you are considering a divorce, you need an aggressive attorney.  Contact my Firm, Garth R. Goodman, P.A., today to schedule a consultation. 


Garth Goodman

Attorney at Law

For 30 years, I have been providing aggressive divorce services throughout the St. Petersburg, Florida area.   My parents divorced when I was a child.  I know first-hand the emotional and financial toll that divorce can have on a family.   This is why I have built my divorce practice centered on helping those going through the complexities of a divorce or other family law matter.

Throughout my 30- year legal career, I have advocated for countless individuals and families navigating through divorce including matters pertaining to child custody, division of assets and liabilities, alimony and post-judgment modification and enforcement issues.   When choosing to file for a Florida Divorce, you do not have to go it alone.   Please call my Office today for a divorce or family law consultation today. 

Garth R. Goodman smiling

How My Firm Can Help You

If you are going through a Florida Divorce or Family Law matter, you are probably asking yourself “what if this” and “what if that”.  A divorce or family law matter can cause a great deal of uncertainty, which may cause you to be anxious or even depressed.  When you choose to work with my Firm, Garth R. Goodman, P.A., I can help remove some of the stress surrounding your divorce or family law matter so that you can begin to move forward with the next chapter of your life.   As your divorce or family law attorney, I will personally get to know you and your goals.  I will develop with you a sound legal approach for you to achieve your goals.  As such, I prioritize open and honest communication  to ensure that all of your questions and concerns are addressed.  With 30 years of litigation experience in child custody and high asset divorce cases, I have advocated for countless clients find solutions.   If you are searching for an experienced, aggressive divorce or family law attorney, reach out to my Firm to schedule a consultation. 

Family Law Services

  • Divorce

    The decision to get divorced can be an extremely difficult one to make, but no matter the reason, you deserve a chance at a fresh start. As your attorney, I will take on all the legal responsibilities of your divorce and help guide you toward the best resolution for your case.

  • Child Custody

    I understand that as a parent, stability in your child's life is what matters the most. As your attorney, I will work tirelessly to help you seek a positive solution for your child custody case because you and your child's future is what matters most.

  • Other Services

    At Garth R Goodman, PA, I can also assist with other areas of family law, including parental planning, alimony, modification, and enforcement. With extensive family law experience, you can count on me to handle all of your legal needs.

You Deserve Trusted Divorce
& Child custody Solutions

Divorce and Child Custody FAQ

How Long Does Divorce Take in Florida?

The timeframe it takes to finalize a divorce often depends on whether the divorce is contested or not. In an uncontested divorce, both parties can agree on matters such as the division of assets and child custody — making the process much simpler and faster. In a contested divorce, spouses typically cannot agree on such matters, and the entire process can take anywhere from 6 months to a year.

How Do I Get Child Custody?

In Florida, the court believes that it is in the best interest of the child to maintain a relationship with both parents. However, the court does not make it mandatory to have a 50/50 custody split. Depending on the circumstances of the case, the court may decide that it is in the best interest of the child for only one parent to have primary custody, and will evaluate each case individually.

Is There a Residency Requirement?

In order to file for divorce in the state of Florida, one spouse must have been a resident of Florida for at least six months prior to filing for divorce. Individuals serving in the military are not affected by residency requirements when petitioning for divorce, however, if you are temporally living out of the state, it will be up to a judge to decide whether or not you're a resident and can file in Florida.

Experienced Divorce & Child Custody Attorney in St. Petersburg, Florida

Since opening my own firm in 1997, I have proudly served St. Petersburg, Florida, and the surrounding areas of Largo, Seminole, Gulfport, and Kenneth City. With my extensive experience, I have helped many clients find the solutions they need in their divorce and child custody matters. If you are searching for a trusted family law attorney, call my office today! I offer consultations for clients seeking counsel for divorce and child custody.